This pick was custom designed and created for Kenny Smith. It is the exact style that he is currently using. The Kenny Smith signature picks are very similar to a TPR, but slightly smaller. This is the 40/1000 of an inch(1.0mm) which is the thickness of Kenny's personal BlueChip Pick.
Kenny Smith pick with a quarter on top. Note the size. This is a small pick.
Quarters, Nickels and Dimes, if included in the pictures, are for size reference only. They are not etched on the picks or included with the sale. To use this reference, please place a coin on your current non-Bluechip pick and then compare to the pictures of our picks with coins on top of them. This will help you choose the pick that is closest to your current favorite size and shape.
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Posted by Ben on 24th May 2019
I think this is my 9th BC, and looks like I really hit the sweet spot with this one.
The size and shape are perfect for me to play acoustic guitar, and the sound is great without excessive clicking.
Posted by Theo on 12th Jun 2018
Hi There,
A friend of mine lend me his TAD40 for about 20 minutes and I was amazed, Instantly I noticed BlueChip was faster and tone was more alive. I ordered the TAD50, 60 because that's the size in Dunlop Ultex that I was using. As I was playing more and more, walks between chords, alternate picking it started to feel like I could get faster if the pick was smaller? Long story short I then moved to the TP50, 60? Then to the STP60, that's when I noticed the exceptional speed and accuracy and size was (Bang On), but was too pointy and stiff for ryhthm.
I then ordered the KS40, 50, 60 cause I wasn't sure which I'd like better since i was switching to more rounded edges.
I play lights on my Takamine EF360 and the KS40 has stolen the show "amazing" will be ordering more for backup. KS50, & 60 are good for picking but to stiff for strumming.
Apologize for the long review but trying to help those that are thinking about the KS series.
P.S. BlueChip picks are expensive but well worth it and have honestly made me a better player!
Thanks for making the KS series.
Posted by Jonathan on 5th Dec 2017
This is a nice slick little pick... but it's too small for me to play confidently. The pick is not much larger than a dime. The rounded edges produce a soft warm tone and make picking a quick melody easy.
BlueChip was quick to deliver and handled the return just as quickly, so if you're happy paying postage, it might be worth an experiment.
Posted by Ray D. on 30th Sep 2017
I have a number of BlueChip signature Kenny Smith picks in different thicknesses. They produce great tone and are very fast, comfortable and durable. Love ‘em!
Posted by Devin Reid on 20th Jul 2017
I bought this pick and thought it would be great for my Martin guitar. It is, but when I played it with my Gibson F-5 Fern mandolin, I knew that all the other picks I had used were irrelevant. This is the best mandolin pick I have ever played/heard by far! Well worth the money!
Posted by Roger Dalton on 15th May 2017
Excellent pick, it's the only one I use. Great mellow tone, but with volume, and stays between my fingers.
Posted by "Rooster" Rick -The Homegrown String Band on 21st Jun 2015
I bought this pick for my wife, so she wouldn't seal mine! I have four Blue Chip picks of my own. Three of them are Kenny Smith models, two KS50s and a KS40. The 40 is a little brighter than the 50s which is better for close stage miking. I love my Blue Chips, good tone, low string noise, and good grip. The only bad thing about them is that I feel uncomfortable using anything else.
Posted by David Brack on 17th Mar 2015
I gave the pick 4 stars just because it was not for me. The pick has all the features you would expect like the classic Blue Chip tone and feel. This pick was just too small for me.
If take a standard pick (> and just play the rounded corner that should give you a feel for this pick. The rounded tip is just a bit more rounded than a TPR.
Like I said if you play the corners on a standard pick now, You will love this pick.
Posted by Jim Vanover on 26th Jan 2015
I recently purchased my second Blue Chip pick and I could be more happy with it. It has great tone on my new Martin D-18 and my 1994 Martin Custom 15. It does not wear like other picks including tortoise shell and I never lose my grip. Sure they cost more but why play a high dollar guitar with a 25 cent pick?
Posted by Gary on 21st Oct 2014
I have ordered 2 of these in between tpr and a KS pick,I also get the thickness of a 35 instead of a 40.
I 've been playing a long time and have found that this combo is the best I have ever used.
It is great for medium sized hands especially!!
It also works great for guitar although I commonly use a regular teardrop 35 blue chip turned to the side.