This pick was custom designed and created for Kenny Smith. It is the exact style that he is currently using. The Kenny Smith signature picks are very similar to a TPR, but slightly smaller. This is the 50/1000 of an inch(1.25mm).
Kenny Smith pick with a quarter on top. Note the size. This is a small pick.
Quarters, Nickels and Dimes, if included in the pictures, are for size reference only. They are not etched on the picks or included with the sale. To use this reference, please place a coin on your current non-Bluechip pick and then compare to the pictures of our picks with coins on top of them. This will help you choose the pick that is closest to your current favorite size and shape.
Previous | Showing reviews 11-14 of 14
Posted by Larry on 1st Jun 2017
KS50 is an awesome pick for flat top picking. Well worth the price.
Posted by on 24th Apr 2016
Great pick with a bit of a learning curve for me because I was using a very large style, The Kenny Smith 50 is smaller so that was the learning curve .
Pick is very nice feel / touch and fast. Great for detail playing and all around pick.
Posted by Joanie Howell on 7th Feb 2014
I am taking guitar lessons and my instructor is the one that suggested I get a BlueChip. I am in awe of how is comes off the strings the way it does. I have never had a great quality pick and wasn't sure I would be able to tell the difference. I was excited to try it and now it makes playing my guitar even better. THANK YOU for such a great product!
Posted by Jim Emblin on 4th Jul 2013
The KS50 Kenny Smith pick has a great shape/size for me and provides a nice, comfortable change from the regular triangle shaped Fender style picks. The KS50 plays super-clean and cross-picking is a breeze as the pick just seems to glide through the strings. At present I use the BlueChip TD40 and the KS50 but soon will be ordering a TD50 and KS40 to use on different tunes. I highly recommend BlueChip picks - you'll feel and hear the difference.
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